Useful Resources
Browse our list of recommended resources to help you stay well
Centre for Clinical Interventions
The Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI) provides resources and general information about various mental health problems, as well as, techniques that focus on a cognitive behavioural approach to managing difficulties.
Mental Health Foundation
Since 1949, the Mental Health Foundation has been the UK’s leading charity for everyone’s mental health. With prevention at the heart of what they do, their website offers a range of content including articles, podcasts and videos to help you to look after your mental health.
Gym-free Workouts - NHS
Put the fun back into fitness with these equipment-free workouts for all levels. These illustrated guides are designed to help make your workouts effective and easy to follow.
Created with busy people in mind, these routines from fitness expert Neila Rey, now known as Darebee, can be done anywhere, at any time.
Move More Sheffield
Move More is a Sheffield-wide strategy that is being delivered by partners across the city to create a culture of physical activity to improve the population's health. ​
Move More wants Sheffield to become the most active City in the UK by 2020. And as a result see meaningful improvement in the health, wellbeing and quality of life of everybody living in the city.
The world we all live in doesn't make being physically active very easy; in fact, it’s easier to move less than it is to Move More! What might surprise you is that it you don’t have to do much to start feeling better. Visit the website to to see how easy it can be.
Visit the Sheffield Mental Health Guide for local services, activities & support and information to help with depression, anxiety and low mood.
Your guide to the range of mental health services available in Sheffield.Â
If you're struggling with your mental health, we're here to help.
Gareth Hughes’ Webinar: Learning and Wellbeing during the Coronavirus Pandemic
This free webinar offers practical information and advice including: specific things students can do to look after their wellbeing and continue learning during this uncertain time, how the way we all engage with learning can improve our wellbeing and simple steps students can take to enhance their wellbeing generally.
It also addresses current anxieties about the importance of exam grades and what this might mean for the future of our students.
A series of online talks, workshops, and podcasts that we hope you'll find optimistic and inspiring. Perhaps they'll make you reflect on the past, reconsider the future, or maybe just offer distraction for an hour or two when you need it.
Our online course is built upon the most effective approach to improving sleep for university students and typically lasts 6–8 weeks. Supported by a team of sleep coaches, you’ll work through a personalised sleep improvement plan. You can complete the online programme in your own time, whenever you’re ready and wherever you happen to be.