Christmas can be a joyful time of year for some people, through connecting to people they love and joining in with celebrations. And it can be a hard time of year for others, through feelings of obligation to social plans or an increase in feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Article taken from Mentalhealth.org.uk
Tips for looking after your mental health this Christmas

Reframing – How can you be your friend this Christmas?
Let yourself be the way you feel
Turn the volume down on the internal critic
Have a Christmas that works for you
Remember that you are loved. YOU are worth it
Give yourself permission to be you
Think of it as your rest day
Boundaries – what is your agenda this Christmas?

Have clear boundaries with people – parents / in-laws etc.
Balance your sense of social obligations against your need for self-care
Challenge the assumption that anything ‘needs’ to happen over Christmas
Give yourself permission to say no
Think about what your agenda for looking after your wellbeing this Christmas is, and prioritise it
Let family and friends know that you will need time out for quiet and calm
Actions – what self-care and day to day activities can you keep doing?

Sit in the garden in a warm coat and get a brief sunny boost
Find time to yourself – take a long bath, or go on an errand, 5 minutes to yourself can be really helpful
If you struggle with sleep, stick as close as possible to your usual routine
Keep up with your self-care routine – exercise, sleep, socialise, volunteer, walk outdoors
Spend time doing charity and community work
Ask someone to keep an eye out for you and to check in on how you’re doing
Create your own experiences and happiness. Be indulgent. Pamper yourself
Planning – what do you want to do this Christmas?
Write down what is really important to you
Prioritise and tackle things one at a time
Leave space for the unexpected
Be mindful of how your routine is about to change
Plan ahead and have some nice things booked in that you’d like to do outside of family gatherings
If Christmas with your family can be tough then plan something to look forward to with your ‘chosen family’ (friends, neighbours etc.) for afterwards
Uncertainty may increase our stress or anxiety, so, take the time to think of a plan b in case government restrictions around the pandemic change. You can keep up to date with local guidance here.
If you need support this Christmas please remember you can call Nightline who offer confidential emotional support. Alternatively If you are feeling in distress and wish to speak with someone you can contact Samaritans on 116 123 - their phone lines are open every day over the festive period.
Wishing you a very happy Christmas and a restful break! The Wellbeing Team